الأحد، 4 ديسمبر 2011

Some people REALLY hate leafblowers

Several weeks ago I watched this video while (coincidentally) the sound of our neighbors' leafblower was audible through my office wall.  At our house the leaves get raked onto tarps, then dragged to a leafpile in the woods to compost down to leafmulch for the gardens.  We don't mind the neighbors' use of leafblowers; it's much faster and more practical for a family where both adults work.

The subjects in this CBS News video have a different viewpoint.  The people in the cliffside home have suffered silently from the noise generated by the hoi polloi in the valley; another family have been "unable to have birthday parties on Saturday."  I was particularly bemused to note at the 6:20 closing scene that the lady claims that a rake works beautifully and peacefully - while wielding an iron rake used for dethatching.  I would guess that she doesn't rake her own leaves.  Or perhaps I'm being uncharitable.

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